The pictures in the banner came from the below sources. If you are the copyright owner and are bothered by my use of
the picture, please let me know
- WestAntarcticIceStreamDiagram_cropped.resized.jpg - Not sure where I got this. I have had it since my return
from Antarctica, February, 1986.
- D90TruckTireMachine_cropped.resized.jpg - Mac, one of the Vice Presidents when I worked at Akron Standard, sent
me these pictures when I requested them a year or so after I left the company.
- ASAM_MeasuringTire_cropped.resized.jpg - Mac, one of the Vice Presidents when I worked at Akron Standard, sent
me these pictures when I requested them a year or so after I left the company.
- LightTruckWithGrinders_cropped.resized.jpg from Mac, one of the Vice Presidents when I worked at Akron Standard,
sent me these pictures when I requested them a year or so after I left the company.
- SegmentedKnee_cropped.resized.jpg - Given to me and acquired while I worked at the UCHSC Center for Human
- SegmentedKnee2d_cropped.resized.jpg - Given to me and acquired while I worked at the UCHSC Center for Human
- SegmentationProcess_cropped.png - Given to me and acquired while I worked at the UCHSC Center for Human
- GoldOne.resized.jpg - From InfiMed GoldOne brochure I acquired when I worked at InfiMed.
- GoldOneCardiacLogo_cropped.png - From InfiMed GoldOne Cardiac brochure I acquired when I worked at InfiMed.
- GoldOneDiagnosticScreen.jpg - From InfiMed GoldOne brochure I acquired when I worked at InfiMed.
- IAPDB.jpg - Personal picture. I received a scrap IAPDB as a gift when I left the company. I still have it.
- TresAtSunsetCropped.jpg - We took this picture one night after working late at Lockheed Martin's Ridgecrest
facility. SRC used it in a calendar.
- LSTARatSCLA.jpg - I took this picture while on roof at SCLA.
- ElMirageConcept.jpg - From slide deck titled "Challenges to using Ground Based Sense and Avoid (GBSAA) for UAS
Operations" presented to Digital Avionics Systems Conference by Paul Campbell, Federal Aviation Administration
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Office, October 16, 2012.
- Employee Excellence Award I received at SRC for work on El Mirage project.
- MPU5.png - Persistent systems MPU5 picture from web site